The way you train is the way you react…
CSI has been professionally teaching firearms classes for over 20 years, specializing in law enforcement, civilian and children’s courses to educate and build confidence and skills. While law enforcement was my passion for many years, teaching the importance of safety to children and teaching civilians how to effectively use a firearm have been equally rewarding. The fact remains that when seconds count, your best defense is the skills you have learned.
CSI Firearms Training
CHL Classes
This course will give the student understanding of current concealed weapon permit laws, rights and responsibilities and state statutes.
Live Fire Training
This training is conducted in different environments, both day and evening, and in smaller groups with similar skill levels, beginner or advanced.
Law Enforcement
Instructor and Train the Trainer courses in pistol, rifle, and shotgun, and dynamic entry through high speed drills.
Our Instructors
Retired Law Enforcement Officer, Former Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) coordinator. SWAT Team Member (16 Year), Former SWAT Commander, Martial Arts Instructor (6th Degree Black Belt), Self Defense Instructor, Personal Safety Instructor, Chief Range Safety Officer, Youth Firearms Instructor, Youth Summer Safety Camp Host, CHL Instructor, Civilian Training Officer.
Martial Arts Instructor (3rd Degree Black Belt), Personal Defense Instructor, Range Safety Officer - Firearms Training Unit, Youth Firearms Instructor, Youth Summer Safety Camp Coordinator. Instructor with CSI for 16 years.
Served with the USMC, Event Coordinator, Range Safety Officer, Director of Saddle Butte Machine Gun Shoot for (10 years), former Board Member of the Albany Rifle and Pistol Club - Firearms Training Facility (10 Years).
USMC Field Radio Operator and Scout Sniper (8 years), Mariposa County Sheriff's Volunteer Deputy, NRA Certified Range Master, Firearms Safety Instructor, Long Range Shooting Instructor (20 years), Cover and Concealment Instructor, Black Powder Specialist.
Martial Arts Instructor (1st Degree Black Belt), Youth Firearms Instructor, Youth Summer Safety Camp Coordinator. Instructor with CSI for 7 years.
Retired Law Enforcement Officer (25 years), Head Security for the Benton County Court House, Benton County Sheriff's Office Assistant Firearms Instructor, CSI Range Safety Officer.
Martial Arts Instructor (6th Degree Black Belt), National Coach and Referee, Jr. Olympic Team Instructor, Licensed Hunting Guide in New Zealand, National Hunting Guide in North America (Several States), Counter Strikes Hunter's Safety Instructor, Counter Strikes Youth Hunter's Safety Instructor.
Served in the United States Navy, Assistant Firearms Training Program and Logistics Administrator, Event Coordinator, Armory Inventory Specialist.